Weblogger Vacation Fund

Sometimes we all need to get away from our weblogs for a little while. With that in mind I think we need some sort of weblogger vacation fund. Whoever gets the most nominations is awarded the funds that must be used towards a vacation. No online access while on this vacation — completely unplugged! I think Pete should be the first recipient. ;)

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.


  1. lol. i’d be happy to accept that award. :)

    deserved or not, i def need it.

  2. Oh, I think it’s deserved. Even though I put this in the “humor” category, I am seriously considering setting up a dropcash or fundable fundraiser for it. $500 and you’d have a nice weekend getaway with your spouse. :)

    Or maybe it’s just a silly idea. There are worse things to clutter my blog with I suppose.

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