What she said

Lisa Williams: “I think it’s wonderful when people are able to change their minds about each other and not be constrained by history, but to take a bigger, more expansive view, one with more possibilities; one with a future. Forgiveness is a wonderful trait to have; it makes all things new.”

What She Said

I’ve had some sort of mix of a cold, allergies and the martian death flu for the past month. I’m not feeling all that eloquent today; but fortunately Wendy is.

The photos I took at the Bloggercon Pre-Conference Party Friday night did not turn out so well. It might be the cheap film or the photo processing at Walgreen’s. The photos I got back were missing several that I know I took. The photo of Michael Feldman and Adam Curry turned out OK so I’ll post that tonight after Dave Winer’s Thursday Weblog Writer’s Meeting.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.