What’s in Store for the Marqui Pay Bloggers Program

Update June 27, 2005: December 2004 through February 2005 I was part of Marqui’s “Pay to Blog” program. I wrote about them and linked to them once a week. During the three-month program I had this icon displayed on my site in the right sidebar area.

J. D. Lassica wrote an article about Marqui’s “Pay Bloggers” program for the Online Journalism Review. Stephen King, Marqui’s CEO and President, had this to say in the article:

King said that in the next round of blogging for dollars, some of the current bloggers will be dropped and others added. �One of the things we�re learning is that for bloggers to write regularly about us, they need to be closer to our market,� he said. �We�d like them to look at the product. They can interview customers, they can interview people around the subject � it just has to remain interesting, and in that sense they�re acting as amateur journalists.�

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.